If you would like to integrate a Windows domain user to run Tomcat and access the iDashboards databases follow the directions below. The advantage to doing this is that the domain user interacts directly with SQL so you don't have to have plain text credentials in the ivizgroup config file.
1. First of all you want to download the MS SQL Server JDBC driver version 8 or 9. You can download the zip for version 8 here. Version 9 is harder to find. Microsoft doesn't appear to store older drivers.
You need the driver.zip to get the DLL in this case not just the JAR file.
2. Go to driver folder of your iDashboards installation which by default is here C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\ivizgroup\drivers
3. If it's a different or older version of of the driver like mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre8, stop Tomcat, remove the driver and add in the newer one you got from Microsoft and start Tomcat.
You want to make sure the driver JRE version matches the java version, more than likely mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre8.jar
4. Back to the zip file, go to the auth folder, x64, and copy the mssql-jdbc_auth-8.2.2.x64.dll or whatever version of the dll came with your driver to the windows/system32 folder.
5. Edit the ivizgroup.properties file which should be located here C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\ivizgroup\config.
Locate the line below and add integratedSecurity=true at the end so it looks similar to below. db.url=jdbc:sqlserver://<ServerName>:1433;databaseName=iDashboards;instanceName=; integratedSecurity=true
Make sure you separate the connection properties with a semicolon.
6. A line or 2 below locate the db.user and db.password and blank them out.
Save the ivizgroup.properties config file.
7. Open Services and locate the Tomcat or iDashboards Server Service. Right click and select properties > Log On. Select "This Account" and enter in the domain user and password. Apply, OK, Restart Tomcat.
At this point you should be done on the app server.
1. Log into SQL Management Studio as an admin and expand Security > Logins. If the domain user doesn't exist. Right click on the Logins folder and select New Login and add the domain user in the Login name field.
2. Click on user mapping on the right, select the repository database and check the box for db_owner. Do this again for the workbooks database and the datastore database. Click OK.
Now that you're done. Test your connection. If you get a 400 or 404 error, make sure Tomcat is started. Go back through the steps and make sure you didn't miss one. Check the iDashboards logs, more than likely it will be a login error, or contact support at support@truoi.com.
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