This is a pretty simple process. Some customers prefer to do it themselves but need directions. First of all you need to obtain the latest from the Download Site. You were given the login credentials from your account manager every time you're provided with a new license. This login never changes, it's linked to your account. If you can't find your credentials contact support at and we can get them for you.
- After you've downloaded the, extract the files.
- Open a second File Explorer and navigate to the webapps folder. It will either be located here C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\Server\webapps or if you upgraded Tomcat it might be located here C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat XX.X\webapps
- Make a backup folder in the directory before webapps.
- Go into webapps and cut and paste the idashboards.war and idbdata.war file into your backup folder.
- In webapp there will also be an idashboards and idbdata folder. When the war files are removed Tomcat will remove the folders. Just wait a minute or two and the folders will disappear.
- When the folders are gone go back to your extracted and open the bin folder.
- Find the idashboards and idbdata war files and copy them into your webapps folder.
- Wait a couple of minutes and Tomcat will unzip the war files and create new idashboards and idbdata folders.
- If you are only doing a patch upgrade on the same version then when the folders appear you are done.
If you are upgrading to a new version of the software you will need to run the upgrade script.
To do this, just log into the software as an admin. The login screen will say the software is down for maintenance.
Once logged in you will be taken to a new page. At the top it will say something to the affect of your software is on version X but your repository is at version Y. Click the Green "Upgrade Repository" button on the bottom. It will return you back to the login screen and your upgrade will be complete.
Upgrading iDashboards in Linux
The process for upgrading iDashboards on a Linux install is basically the same as upgrading on Windows Server. Just the locations are different.
- You will still need to download and extract the
- Locate your Tomcat installation. By default it will be in /opt/tomcat.
- Create a backup folder if you like in the tomcat folder.
- Cut and paste the war files in /opt/tomcat/webapps to your backup folder.
- Copy the idashboards and idbdata war files from the extracted bin folder to /opt/tomcat/webapps.
- Tomcat should extract the war files and recreate the idashboards and idbdata folders.
Like the Windows upgrade if you are just upgrading a patch then you installation is complete. If its a full version upgrade. You will need to log into the software as an admin and click the Upgrade Repository button to run the upgrade script.
Builders/Admin should clear their browser cache after the upgrade. You just need to clear the cached images and files. Don't worry about cookies or browsing history.
If you use Chrome make sure the Time Range dropdown is set to All Time. By default its set to One Hour.
As you're using the new version of the software, if you stumble on a critical problem. You can downgrade to your previous version by following the same instructions in reverse. Just remove the war files from the webapps folder, wait for the folders to disappear and put in the old war files from you backup folder. However before you do this please contact support at So we can try and resolve the problem first.
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