This is a major feature as of v11.2, licensed separately from iDashboards, which will allow you to create articles and save valuable information so your end-users will be empowered to share and find various resources. Based on permissions, articles will all be viewable within the Knowledge Base to any licensed user of iDashboards. However, you can also embed an article into the frame of a dashboard for specifically sharing a piece of information along with your charts and graphs. Articles are saved in the hierarchy of your choice, supporting formatted text, images, dashboard links, and more.
- Article Panel: When designing a dashboard, you can now place an article into the frame of a dashboard! This option includes the ability to to link out to the actual article where additional features, like: Comments, Sharing, Searching, and more tasks can take place!
- Article Comments: As an option, Articles can be open for comments to capture feedback or deepen the discussion on any given topic. When comments are posted, other users will be able to:
- Enable per Article: Not all articles should allow comments. There is an Article property to enable/disable this option.
- Flag: If a post seems inappropriate, you can flag it. The Moderator can then see a collective list of flagged comments and make the best decision on how to move forward.
- Share: This will allow easy sharing and reference to a comment.
- Delete: If the user is a moderator, this option will allow for immediate removal of the comment.
- Article Comment Moderation: We all know the type. Eventually, this person leaves a comment that raises suspicion. Well, Article Comments can be flagged and reviewed by a moderator to determine if the comment is allowed or if the comment should be deleted. Defining who can be a moderator is an administrative task that takes place when editing the user account. Any user account with the role of Builder or above can become an Article Comment Moderator.
- Features Include: Web based application, Link to multiple dashboards, Tagging, Share, Pin Article, Restrict Commenting, Create/Edit/Delete/Move Article, Article Voting, Permissions, and more!
- Knowledge Base Public: Through a premium license option, the Knowledge base can be used publicly where user-authentication is not required. This will allow you to host and share a massive amount of content for public consumption!
- Dashboard Comments: This is a core-feature, licensed into iDashboards. As an option, Dashboards can be open for comments to capture feedback or deepen the discussion on any given topic. When comments are posted, other users will be able to:
- Enable per Dashboard: Not all dashboards should allow comments. There is a Dashboard property to enable/disable this option.
- Flag: If a post seems inappropriate, you can flag it. The iDashboards Moderator can then see a collective list of flagged comments and make the best decision on how to move forward.
- Share: This will allow easy sharing and reference to a comment.
- Delete: If the user is a moderator, this option will allow for immediate removal of the comment.
- Dashboard Comment Panel: When designing a dashboard, you can now place the dashboard comments into the frame of a dashboard! This option includes the ability to to link out to the actual comments window which may provide an improved viewing experience. If the Comments Panel is NOT added to a dashboard frame, viewers can open the Comments window from the menu.
- Dashboard Comment Moderation: We all know the type. Eventually, this person leaves a comment that raises suspicion. Well, Dashboard Comments can be flagged and reviewed by a moderator to determine if the comment is allowed or if the comment should be deleted. Defining who can be a moderator is an administrative task that takes place when editing the user account. Any user account with the role of Builder or above can become a Dashboard Comment Moderator.
For more information please see our v11.2 manuals or later.
- AdminManual_11.2.pdf
- BuilderManual_11.2.pdf
- All other User Manuals
- Knowledge Base Articles
- Previously Read: v11.2 Release Notes
- Read Next: Creating a Knowledge Base
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