While we are trying to make things more efficient for YOU, our clients, we have noticed that many of you do not know how to properly search for things here on OSKAR or other search engines such as Google. So whether you are new here or you've been here for years, this could help you find what you are looking for much more efficiently. The following work on both OSKAR and Google. Know that spelling matters, Data Hub is two words, and Roadmap is one when talking about software!
“Quotation Marks”
Put quotes around search terms to let you search exactly for that word or phrase. All results will have your search terms in them.
Example: “data hub expressions”
Will give you all data hub expressions search results without them you will have just “data”, just “hub” or just “expressions” in your search results.
Hyphens –
(pronounced: hi-fins)
If you want to exclude a term from your search, include a hyphen before that word.
Example: dashboards -drilldown
You want to know about dashboards but not interested in drilldowns at the moment. *Make sure there is a space before the - hyphen.
Tilde ~
(pronounced: til-duh)
Use tilde when you want synonyms to appear in the result.
Example: dashboard ~learning
Here you will only have results about dashboard learning, training, conferences, etc. *Make sure there is a space before the ~ tilde.
Pipe |
Can be interchangeable with OR
Example: dashboards | ETL / dashboards OR ETL
Filter by a certain file type related to your search
Example: analytics filetype:zip
This filters out all the articles without anything that does not contain analytics and the filetype zip.
The following are only useful on Google or other major search engines, unfortunately they have been tried here on OSKAR and do NOT work here. We thought we would give you a few extra tips to help you with whatever your business or organization needs.
If you want to search within a specific website only.
Example: drilldown site:oskar.idashboards.com
.. double period or double full stop
Use two periods/full stops to search within 2 number ranges:
Example: movies 2000 .. 2020
*Make sure there is a space before the .. double period/double full stop and after the .. double period/double full stop.
To find news related to a particular location.
Example: aviation location:Seattle
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