Enterprise Service Release v11.2b came out today, which includes the following items:
Product Features
- Data Hub > ETL > Load > Automap - Improved the automapping algorithm for all new task configurations.
- Improved the security of live-changing permissions and enforcing those changes immediately upon the end user when the end user is actively logged in.
- Improved the Knowledge Base interface. Now, when editing an article, Comments will be temporarily hidden.
Product Bugs
- Data Hub
- Fixed a Data Hub bug where some existing ETL jobs would result in an error "ERROR - setParameters(): Data value type is incompatible with target database column."
- Fixed a Data Hub bug when adding a new user and an the following dialog would display "Error - Failed to fetch mobile carriers"
- Fixed a Data Hub error when using the Salesforce API while applying a filter using a macro.
- Fixed an error with Speedometer charts that appeared as black after upgrading to v11.2a.
- Input Parameters
- Removed the upper constraint (of "999") from the Maximum Length of the Text Box Control.
- The Maximum Length is now applied to each value of a Multiple Value (an no longer the total character length).
- The Default Value will no longer apply the Maximum Length constraint if a macro is being used.
- Fixed a problem when a dashboard used Auto-Refresh along with the Parameters Panel.
- Improved the workflow if a user manually deletes the KeyStore from the server. Previously, the ability to establish/repair the authentication resulted in a 404 error. Now you can repair the Client Secret and generate a new KeyStore.
- Note: If the KeyStore files are deleted, there is no option to fully restore the authentication configuration.
- Bar/Column Chart labels were displaying off-center.
- Fixed a problem when a dashboard, using the Comments Panel, would result in an error for the Public Access login.
- Fixed a problem with Forms and the inability to place multiple Text fields into the Multiple Text Field Group.
- Fixed a problem with the Comments Panel triggering an issue during the generation of a dashboard thumbnail.
- Fixed a search problem with Knowledge Base Public.
- Reinforced that a Knowledge Base Public user will not be able to participate with comments.
- Fixed the Mobile Orientation Locking for an issue with the US County Map chart.
To upgrade use the Product Download Site to download the product media (for new clients, you will download the Production Installer.) If you have used the Product Download Site in the past, you will use the same credentials. If you have not, please contact your Client Success Manager and we can help you obtain your credentials. The credentials are often found in your license update emails, beneath the licensing information, you will see download URL, username, and password.
If you have a hosted subscription with iDashboards, your instance will be updated in coordination with your Client Success Manager.
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