Pre-built Dashboards
We provide 25 pre-built dashboards that can be loaded into your dashboards instance for you to use and help aid in your dashboard learning process. As of v10.5 downloads are available for all: MS SQL Server Repository Clients download: ChartExamples_Form.sql, Chart Examples and Chart Examples2, OR Chart Examples_NF and Chart Examples2_NF (No Forms). Must be an Administrator to setup.
Please Note: Must have minimum privledges of Data Administrator to setup to set this up through Admin console (Not Data Hub).
Setting a Global ID for Your Data Source
Importing Charts and Dashboards
What Dashboards are Included?
- Bar Charts
- Clustered Bar
- Ratio Bar
- Stacked Bar
- Population Distribution
- Column Charts
- Clustered Column
- Column with Line
- Pareto Column
- Ratio Column
- Spark Column
- Stacked Column
- Stacked Column with Line
- Column 3D Charts and 3D Bubble
- 3D Clustered Column
- 3D Cylinder
- 3D Ratio Column
- 3D Ratio Cylinder
- 3D Stacked Column
- 3D Stacked Cylinder
- 3D Bubble
- Speedometer Half, Full and Square
- Half Speedometer
- Full Speedometer
- Square Speedometer
- Half Speedometer with Odometer
- Full Speedometer with LCD Odometer
- Square Speedometer with Calculator Odometer
- Speedometer Cluster, Target, Custom and Multi
- Cluster 2 Speedometer
- Cluster 3 Speedometer
- Cluster 4 Speedometer
- Target Speedometer
- Custom Speedometer
- Multi-Needle Speedometer
- Speedometer Styles
- Default Half Speedometer
- Classic Half Speedometer
- Modern Half Speedometer
- Chrome Half Speedometer
- Hot Rod Half Speedometer
- Gadget Half Speedometer
- Ranger Half Speedometer
- Precision Half Speedometer
- Pointer Half Speedometer
- Bullet Charts
- Horizontal Bullet
- Horizontal Bullet Using Box Segments
- Horizontal Bullet Using Triangle A Indicator
- Vertical Bullet Using Pointer A Indicator
- Vertical Bullet Using Circle Indicator
- Vertical Target Bullet Using Elliptical Segments
- Thermometer Charts
- Horizontal Thermometer
- Horizontal Thermometer with Odometer
- Horizontal Target Thermometer
- Vertical Thermometer
- Vertical Thermometer with Odometer
- Vertical Target Thermometer
- Metrics Charts
- Metrics
- Metrics Bar
- Metrics Scorecard
- Horizontal Ticker
- Vertical Ticker
- Metrics Horizontal Chrome Stoplight
- Metrics Stoplight
- Metrics Target
- Metrics Target Bar
- Metrics Treemap
- Line Charts
- Trend Line
- Sparkline
- Scatter Line
- Smooth Line
- 3D Trend Line
- Area Charts
- Area
- Smooth Area
- Stacked Area
- Stacked Ratio Area
- 3D Area
- 3D Stacked Area
- 3D Stacked Ratio Area
- Pie and Donut Charts
- 2D Pie
- 2D Pie Exploded
- 2D Donut
- 2D Exploded Donut
- 3D Pie
- 3D Pie Exploded
- 3D Donut
- 3D Donut Exploded
- 3D Ribbon Exploded
- Pyramid, Cone and Funnel Charts
- Pyramid
- 3D Pyramid
- Funnel
- 3D Funnel
- Cone
- Funnel Cone
- Tabular Charts
- Tabular
- Tabular Scorecard
- Tabular Report
- Calendar Charts
- Daily Calendar
- Weekly Calendar
- Monthly Calendar
- Monthly Event Calendar
- Presentation Charts
- Gallery
- Slideshow
- Details
- Infographic
- Maps - Image Plot
- United States of America
- North America
- World with Countries
- World with Continents
- Maps - GeoPlot
- Maps - US County
- Maps - SVG Drawings
- States by Population and Rank
- Human Brain
- Human Skeleton
- Not all 206 bones mapped
- Drum Set
- 31st Floor
- Radar Charts
- Radar
- Stacked Radar
- Ratio Radar
- Line Radar
- Dot Radar
- Specialty Charts
- Candlestick
- OHLC Bar
- Word Cloud
- 3D Photo Charts
- Cube
- Jewel
- Cylinder Surround
- Forms
Disclaimer: Not all 3D Charts are shown only 3 of the 12 available.
What you will need:
- iDashboards as a Data Admin: http://<server:port>idashboards/admin
- The Chart Examples and Chart Examples 2 zip files attached to this article
What is in the
There are/is: 3 folders with images for your dashboards 3D Charts, Presentations, and SVG Images, an excel workbook ChartExamples.xlsx, one SQL Script for the form ChartExamples_Form.sql, and one zip file the which has the pre-made Dashboards, Charts, Picklists and a Form. If you do not have Forms in your licensing: please download the zip files with the _NF suffix, and you do NOT need to download the SQL script.
Uploading Images
We will need to upload the images to the Content folder
- Go to the iDashboards Data Admin console (Not Data Hub)
- Go to Content
- As outline in the image below click on the Folder ...
- Select New Folder
- Type in the following name: Chart_Examples
- Within the Chart_Examples folder select New Folder
- Type in the following name: Galaxy
- Within the Chart_Examples folder select New Folder
- Type in the following name: Hubble
- Within the Chart_Examples folder select New Folder
- Type in the following name: Universe
- Place ALL the Images (jpg, png, svg) that are in the Presentations and SVG Images folder into this Chart_Examples folder (just drag them from those folders into the one in iDashboards).
- Open the 3D Charts folder, now open the Galaxy folder and place the images from the Galaxy folder exactly as they are into the Galaxy folder in iDashboards.
- In the 3D Charts folder, open the Hubble folder and place the images from the Hubble folder exactly as they are into the Hubble folder in iDashboards.
- In the the 3D Charts folder, open the Universe folder and place the images from the Universe folder exactly as they are into the Universe folder in iDashboards.
It should now look exactly as the image below.
How the Galaxy folder should look:
How the Hubble folder should look:
How the Universe folder should look: Image 1 of 3
How the Universe folder should look: Image 2 of 3
How the Universe folder should look: Image 3 of 3
The Images have now been uploaded and can be accessed through the iDashboards builder.
Chart Examples Image URL Template MS SQL:
- content:Chart_Examples/${value:Picture}
- content:Chart_Examples/Galaxy/${value:Picture}
Chart Examples Image URL Template MySQL:
- content:Chart_Examples/Presentations/${value:Picture}
- content:Chart_Examples/SVG_Images/${value:Picture}
- content:Chart_Examples/3D_Charts/Galaxy/${value:Picture}
- content:Chart_Examples/3D_Charts/Hubble/${value:Picture}
- content:Chart_Examples/3D_Charts/Universe/${value:Picture}
Importing Excel Workbook
We will need to upload the Excel workbook next
- Go to the iDashboards Admin console (Not Data Hub)
- Go to Excel Data
- Click Upload Files
- Select the ChartExamples.xlsx file
- Click Upload
The excel workbook has now been uploaded and can be accessed through the workbooks (excel) database.
Setting a Global ID for Your Data Sources
We will need to set a Global ID for your Data Sources
- Go to the iDashboards Data Admin console (Not Data Hub)
- Go to the System drop down menu
- Click on Import/Export
- Select Manage Global IDs
- Click on Data Source
- Type in DATASTORE next to your Data Store data source
- Type in WORKBOOK next to your Workbooks/Excel data source
- It will automatically save it.
*Those from Flash versions, yes, there is no longer an update button for each individual Global ID.
***Both data sources were previously set up during your iDashboards installation.***
- Go to Start Menu -> SQL Server Tools XX -> SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- You can also go on the Task Bar to your Search Box and type in SSMS and hit Enter
- Go to File
- Click on Open
- Select File again
- Select the Chart Examples2 folder
- Select the ChartExamples_Form.sql file
- Check the drop down menu next to the Execute button to make sure the database idb_datastore is selected then click the Execute button
- The data will now connect with your charts, dashboards, and form.
Importing Charts and Dashboards (idb_archive)
We can Import your Charts and Dashboards
- Go to the iDashboards Data Admin console (Not Data Hub)
- Go to the System drop down menu and select Import/Export
- Use the drop down menu that says Manage Global IDs to select Import Charts and Dashboards
- Click the Choose File button
- Go to where the Google Analytics Pack is located on your computer and Select the idb_archive zip file.
- Click Open
- Click Submit
- Check to make sure all items show a Green Check Mark next to them
- Click Import
- You will then see a message appear that your import was successful!
The Chart Examples pack is delivered as-is. There will be no modification of the dashboards by the Support Services team. The TruOI Support Team has put a lot of effort into making sure that the dashboards contain as much information as can be provided. By downloading and installing the Chart Examples pack the dashboard Administrator assumes responsibility for its usage and for understanding the data presented.
NO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT of the Chart Examples pack WILL BE MADE BY the TruOI Support Services Team.
Read Next: Selecting a Chart Type OR Knowledge Base Example
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