With the support of Flash coming to an end (December 31, 2020) to prevent any disruptions of service, we are urging users and system admins to upgrade to our Flash-free versions (10+).
What you can Expect: All major browsers are removing Flash support or the ability to access Flash applications. This will prevent admins and builders from utilizing the application to edit/build charts and dashboards. All users will be redirected to a pre-v10 HTML version, which can look/operate differently from the Flash version.
Upgrade Availability: We are upgrading our clients on a first come first serve basis. As Flash end-of-life approaches, we are seeing an increase in the volume of tickets for clients upgrading to v10+. We expect a large number of upgrades to be requested after the start of the new year and will continue to schedule and upgrade clients as soon as possible.
Update: Adobe no longer supports Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and has blocked its content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021. Please reach out to our Support Team for more information on how to upgrade to our HTML5 software.
To read more about Adobe Flash Player's end-of-life visit Adobe's EOL accountment.
- Read Next: 05/05/2021 Internet Explorer End of Life
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