All Professional Cloud clients will be upgraded to the latest version of iDashboards on Friday, June 5th at 8pm (Eastern). This version will transition you to the Next Generation of iDashboards, which is 100% HTML5 (no more Flash). The interface is a bit different, but the overall process to create charts and dashboards, manage users and their permissions, upload Excel files, etc. will go unchanged. Prior to the upgrade, we're inviting all Professional Cloud customers to download a Trial environment and attend a live webinar and Q&A session on May 7th at 2pm. If you are unable to attend, we will record the session and post a link to the video here. After the upgrade is complete and clients have a few days to work in the new version, we will again host a live webinar and Q&A session on June 15th at 2pm (EST). This page will be updated throughout the upgrade timeline.
TIMELINE (all times are in Eastern Standard Time)
- April: Communication to clients
- May 7: Live Webinar (WATCH RECORDING NOW) to Discuss the details and differences and answer questions prior to the upgrade
- June 5 at 8pm: Professional Cloud server (all clients) upgraded to v10.3
- June 18: Live Webinar (WATCH RECORDING NOW) to Discuss the details and differences and answer questions after the upgrade
SOME DIFFERENCES FROM v9.7 TO v10.2 - (we anticipate being on v10.3 by June 5th)
First, we'd like to invite you to TRY IT OUT! Install the trial version of iDashboards Enterprise v10.2. This will install a version of iDashboards to your computer for you to test out. To familiarize yourself with the new interface, feel free to complete the Quick Start Guide and other Walk-thrus that are included in this environment. Note: The Enterprise evaluation includes features that may not be available in the Professional Cloud environment. The Admin Application is different (you use Cloud Admin), Data Hub, Alerts, and Scheduled Reports are a few features that are unavailable in Professional Cloud.
- Lobby: After logging in, Builders and Cloud Admins will see a page that gives them the choice to View or Build dashboards.
- Viewer/Builder Applications: There are now 2 different user applications in iDashboards (Viewer and Builder). Viewers will automatically be directed to the /view URL but Builders and Cloud Admins will be directed to the lobby /home. Those with the correct permissions can access the /build URL and the dashboard editing functionality is very similar to the current Dashboard Designer screen.
- User Roles: The Data Analyst role was renamed to Builder. The Business User role was retired - all Business Users will be downgraded to Viewer and will be unable to edit/copy charts and dashboards.
- Dashboard Navigation: There is a new (single) navigation method for navigating Categories and opening and switching between open dashboards. There are no settings for customizing this navigation. There is a nice write up on the new Viewer Experience.
- Mobile: The mobile version of iDashboards is highly enhanced and will default to showing 1 chart at a time when accessing a dashboard via devices with small screens. You can control the order in which charts/frames are delivered to mobile users.
- Accessing Reports and Exporting Chart Data: With the absence of a right click menu, reports and exporting chart data are now accessed via the Menu or Chart Menu. Chart menu buttons will need to be enabled to see the options. Here is a quick write up on iDashboards Reports. Here is a quick write up on Exporting Chart Data.
- Removed Features
- General
- Adobe Flash interface via browser has been removed
- Right-Click menus and Right-Click options
- Changing the Chart Type will no longer retain customized properties (from the right-hand panel of the Chart Properties). Doing so will reset those values to their ‘default’
- Open a Copy of chart
- Compatibility with SWF files
- Panels
- ViPanel Apps (Countdown Clock, World Clock, Calculator)
- Video Panel for FLV movie files
- Custom Plugins
- USA County Maps
- ViGraphic Custom Charts
- Mapsets and Mapset Selectors
- Dashboard Viewing
- Magnify
- Mouseover Pie Analyzer
- Maximize/Minimize Chart
- Chart Designer
- Ribbon Legend
- Last pivot is a slider
- Changing the location of a chart pivot via chart menu button. The only way to change the location will be within the Chart Designer
- Dashboard Editing
- Save Dashboard Preview
- Export Dashboard as JPG
- Dashboard Display/Navigation
- Dashboard Gallery
- Dashboard List Modes
- Dashboard List Styles
- Dashboard List Positions
- General
Release Notes are for the Enterprise version of iDashboards and may include features not available for Professional Cloud clients.
- v10.0 Enterprise Release Notes
- v10.1 Enterprise Release Notes
- v10.2 Enterprise Release Notes
- v10.3 Enterprise Release Notes
As of 2020 iDashboards will no longer be supporting Microsoft Internet Explorer as it does not support all of the advanced functions of HTML5 and it will also be reaching its end of life, however we will support Microsoft Edge should you want to continue using a Microsoft web browser.
For More Information: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Please Reach out to iDashboards Support or your CLIENT SUCCESS MANAGER for Further Assistance
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