This requires being connected to your server.
Enabling Telnet to Test Connections
Windows10 - Microsoft Server 2008
Microsoft Server 2012 - 2016 - How to use Telnet
Windows 10
From Control Panel
- Open Control Panel
- Open Programs
- Select the Turn Windows features on or off option
- Check the Telnet Client box
- Click OK. A box will appear that says Windows Features and Searching for required files. When complete, the Telnet client should be installed in Windows.
Windows10 - Microsoft Server 2012 - 2016 - How to use Telnet
Windows Server 2008
Open Server Manager -> Features -> click Add Features -> enable Telnet Client checkbox -> click Next -> click Install -> when the feature installation finishes, click Close.
Windows Server 2012, 2016
Open Server Manager -> Add roles and features -> click Next until reaching the Features step -> click Telnet Client -> click Install -> when the feature installation finishes, click Close.
Windows10 - Microsoft Server 2008
How to use Telnet
When working with port Telnet is with a simple command you can test whether a port is open. Issuing the Telnet command telnet [domainname or ip] [port] will allow you to test the connectivity this allows you to quickly narrow down where an issue is. Often a network or SQL port issue.
The format of the CMD command is: telnet [domain name or ip] [port]
Put the IP address or domain name of the server you are trying to connect to in place of [domain name or ip], and replace the second brackets with the port number on the remote machine connection to which you want to test.
For example, to verify a connection to MS SQL Server would look like the server IP address on the default port 1433 for MS SQL Server. The command will look like:
telnet 1433 (notice the space between the IP and port).
If the connection succeeds, a blank screen will show up, meaning that the computer port is open. A failed connection will be accompanied by an error message. It can indicate either a closed port or the fact that the indicated remote server is not listening on the provided port.
telnet 1433
When the connection is successful the screen will look blank
For More Information: Windows Telnet Documentation
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact iDashboards Support for further assistance.
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