This requires being connected to your server and a minimum of Data Admin privileges.
This document outlines the required steps for upgrading iDashboards and Data Hub. Please read this entire document carefully before beginning the upgrade, as some of the steps have changed from previous upgrades.
IMPORTANT! ****Please note the following regarding your current version’s licensing**** IMPORTANT!
iDashboards 7.0 and earlier: Your license is NOT compatible with v10+
iDashboards 7.5 – 9.1: Your license is compatible with v10+. However, a new license will be needed to activate Data Hub.
iDashboards 11.3+: Please see Upgrading to Tomcat 10 for more details on these changes.
If you need a new license contact your Client Success Manager or iDashboards Support to obtain a new license file PRIOR to performing the upgrade. New license files are only provided to customers with a current Support and Maintenance agreement. You will need to contact your Client Success Manager for assistance if you need any of the following: Geo Plot Map, Premium Data Connector package, 3D Image Charts or Forms as you will need to add a signed addendum to your license agreement.
Read This First
- Gather Required Information
- Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment
- Upgrade the Repository Database
- Undeploy the Current iDashboards Installation
- Deploy the Version 10+ idashboards.war File
- Deploy the Version 10+ idbdata.war File
- Deploy the New License File
- Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Read This First
The steps in this document are based on the following assumptions:
- You are currently running iDashboards 6.9.0 or a later version. There is no direct upgrade path from versions prior to 6.0 to version 10+.
- You are using your own database: SQL Server 2005 or later, Oracle, etc. as the iDashboards repository database, rather than the embedded Derby database that is automatically installed with the iDashboards evaluation software.
- Java Version 1.8 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is the current minimum required version. Anyone not running 1.8 we strongly recommend upgrading for security reasons.
- Note: Versions of iDashboards prior to 8.0 only require a version 1.6 JRE, so be sure to check which version you are currently using.
- The iDashboards_Production_Installer_10.xx.exe installer is a 64-bit application. You are able to run this iDashboards in a 32-bit environment however, you will run into significant memory issues.
- If you are upgrading to v11+, which you should be if you have not already done so, please move to the licensing server to facilitate a quick license update for all future requests.
If you think that any of these assumptions may not be true in your case, or you are not sure how to make the needed determinations, please follow the steps in Getting Support before beginning the upgrade.
Once you have established the above prerequisites are in place, please read this entire document before proceeding or contacting iDashboards Support for assistance.
Getting Support - Download iDashboards Version 10+
Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment - Deploy the New License File
Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Gather Required Information
Before beginning, determine and make a note of the following information:
The location of the ivizgroup Home Directory
This is a directory on the server hosting iDashboards where configuration information is read and written by iDashboards. The path to this directory is displayed on the login screen of the iDashboards Admin app, or on the home screen of the Admin application. It appears near the bottom of the screen, and will look something like this:
Within this document, the abbreviation <ivizgroup home> should be interpreted as the path to the ivizgroup home directory.
- The version of iDashboards you are currently running
- To determine this information, log into the iDashboards Admin app. On the home screen, there is a table displaying license and other information. At the bottom of this table, the Build ID will appear. It will look something like this:
- The version number will consist of all the digits in the Build ID, up to but not including the first lower-case letter or hyphen. In the example above, the version number would be 8.5. The letter h indicates a service release, which is not pertinent to the upgrade process.
- To determine this information, log into the iDashboards Admin app. On the home screen, there is a table displaying license and other information. At the bottom of this table, the Build ID will appear. It will look something like this:
- The type of repository database that is in use
- An iDashboards repository database can be one of two types, Standard or Unicode. A Unicode repository allows things like chart titles or axis names to contain multi-byte characters, such as Chinese or Arabic characters, while a Standard repository only allows single-byte characters. Most iDashboards customers use a Standard repository. Unicode repositories are only available when the repository database is Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, so if you are using a different database your repository is Standard. The type is not determined by what type of character encodings a database supports. Instead, the type was set by the initial script that was used to create the repository tables. If the script name (as supplied by iDashboards) had Unicode in its filename, for example, sqlserver_unicode_ddl.sql or sqlserver_unicode_create_repository.sql, then the repository is Unicode. If the script's original filename did not contain Unicode then, the repository is a Standard repository.
- If your repository database is SQL Server or Oracle, and you are not sure if it's Unicode or not check the data type of the fv_user.last_name column. If it is NVARCHAR in SQL Server or NVARCHAR2 in Oracle it is Unicode, and if it is VARCHAR or VARCHAR2 it is Standard.
- If you are still unsure of what type of repository you are currently using, the repository type can be determined in the Admin License information. If you are still unable to find this contact iDashboards Support as described in Getting Support, and be sure to provide the files listed.
- An iDashboards repository database can be one of two types, Standard or Unicode. A Unicode repository allows things like chart titles or axis names to contain multi-byte characters, such as Chinese or Arabic characters, while a Standard repository only allows single-byte characters. Most iDashboards customers use a Standard repository. Unicode repositories are only available when the repository database is Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, so if you are using a different database your repository is Standard. The type is not determined by what type of character encodings a database supports. Instead, the type was set by the initial script that was used to create the repository tables. If the script name (as supplied by iDashboards) had Unicode in its filename, for example, sqlserver_unicode_ddl.sql or sqlserver_unicode_create_repository.sql, then the repository is Unicode. If the script's original filename did not contain Unicode then, the repository is a Standard repository.
Gather Required Information - Download iDashboards Version 10+
Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment - Deploy the New License File
Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Getting Support
For assistance with the upgrade create a Support Ticket and attach the following:
- A copy of your file.
- Located in the <ivizgroup home>/config directory. Please redact any passwords that may be in the copy of the file prior to sending it.
- ALL files whose names begin with repository and end with .dat that are in the <ivizgroup home>/config directory.
- An example would be repository6.5d.dat. There should be at least one, there may be multiples, and it is crucial that you send ALL of them.
- A copy of your current idashboards.log file
- Downloaded through the SYSTEM / System Logs screen in your current iDashboards Admin application. It is important that you download the file from the Admin app when possible, rather than copy it directly from the file system, since the Admin app will write necessary information about your server environment to the log before it is downloaded.
- If the upgrade is already underway and the Admin application is unavailable copy the idashboards.log file from the <ivizgroup home>/logs directory. Since the idashboards.log file can grow to a very large size, compress it in a zip file before emailing.
Gather Required Information - Getting Support
Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment - Upgrade the Repository Database
Deploy the New License File - Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Download iDashboards Version 10+
In order to download iDashboards v10+ you will need to contact your Client Success Manager or iDashboards Support.
- If you are completing a manual upgrade, or need the database upgrade scripts, the name of the file you will need to download will be:
- If you are completing an installer based upgrade, the name of the file you will need to download will be:
- iDashboards_Production_Installer_10.xx.exe
- If the above file(s) is/are not listed on the download page, there should be a similarly named one which you should download instead. The file you download will be referred to in this document as the distribution file.
Note: The iDashboards User Manual and the iDashboards Admin Manual for v10+ are in the docs directory of the distribution file.
IMPORTANT: Back Up the Repository Database – Backing Up Your Databases
It is absolutely essential that a full backup is made of your repository database prior to running the upgrade script. iDashboards Support will not be able to help you repair a corrupted repository database should the script fail to run properly. The only way to recover your data will be to restore the old repository from the backup. If you choose to forgo this step, please do so with the understanding that you are risking the loss of all of your repository data.
Gather Required Information - Getting Support
Download iDashboards Version 10+ - Upgrade the Repository Database
Deploy the New License File - Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment
Upgrade the Repository Database
Before performing any upgrade backup your current iDashboards repository
Upgrading your version 10+ instance of iDashboards as of v10.2 is now a simple process. Updating the war files will now put the system into a limited access mode. The Admin will need to login and if the user has permissions to modify the database the green Upgrade Repository button will be at the bottom of the screen. Clicking it will perform the necessary table updates.
The scripts used to upgrade the repository database are located in the distribution file, in the directory named scripts/database.
- There are two different sets of scripts, one for Unicode repositories, in the directory:
- scripts/database/unicode/upgrade_repository
- and one for Standard repositories. Those scripts are in the directory:
- scripts/database/standard/upgrade_repository
Each of these two directories will be referred to henceforth in this document as a Script Directory. It is critically important that you choose the correct type of script when upgrading the repository, because running the wrong type will irreparably corrupt the repository, necessitating a restore from backup. Within the selected Script Directory there are sub-folders corresponding to the brand of the database used to hold the repository. In the Standard script directory, the sub directories are Oracle, SQL server, and MySQL. In the Unicode script directory, there are PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL server sub-directories, since those are the only two database platforms on which Unicode repositories are supported. To upgrade your repository you will have to execute only one script from the appropriate sub-directory.
- The script you will execute will be named as follows:
<database>_<repository type>_upgrade_<current version>_to_10.sql
with the following substitutions:
<database> - either PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL server, and MySQL as appropriate
<repository type> - the type of repository you are upgrading, either Unicode or standard
<current version> - the version number of iDashboards that you are currently running, and are upgrading from without any "." separator. For example, if you are upgrading from version 6.5, the script name will contain "65" in place of <current version>.
Be sure the repository database has been fully backed up before executing the script. You should log into the database with the same user account iDashboards uses to ensure that the new tables are created in the correct schema. Make sure that the database user account has permission to: create, alter, and update tables. The script should execute without errors or warnings. If the script fails for a known reason—for example, the database user account didn’t have the needed permissions—restore the database from the backup, correct the error conditions, and execute the script again. If the cause of the failure is unknown email the full text of any error or warning messages to iDashboards Support as described in Getting Support and be sure to provide the files listed.
Undeploy the Current iDashboards Installation
- Download the and save/extract it to the server.
- On the server, locate the directory where the service is installed. If you originally installed iDashboards from the installer and used the default location it will be:
- 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\server
- 32-bit Windows C:\Program Files (x86)\iDashboards_SRV\server
- 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\server
- This directory will be referred to hereinafter as <TOMCAT DIR>.
- In the <TOMCAT DIR> directory, there should be a directory named webapps.
- Create a backup copy of the idashboards.war, idbdata.war, idbalerts.war, and idbreports.war outside the webapps directory. The idbalerts.war and idbreports.war are bundled into idashboards.war in v10+, and scorecards.war exists for v11+ iDashboards installations and the subdirectories also follow this structure. There are subdirectories: idashboards, idbalerts, idbdata.war and idbreports in this location. These folders will automatically be deleted once the .WAR files have been removed as long as the service is running.
- Be sure to remove all the iDashboards War files and know idbalerts and idbreports will no longer have there own file and will cause issues if they are still in the directory.
- In the directory <TOMCAT DIR>/work/Catalina/localhost there should be the following sub-directories: idashboards, idbalerts, idbdata and idbreports. These folders will automatically be deleted once the .war files have been removed as long as the service is running.
Deploy the Version 10+ idashboards.war File
The version 10+ idashboards.war file is located in the bin directory within the distribution file. If you are using an application server other than Apache Tomcat (bundled with iDashboards, and most commonly used application server), consult its documentation for the steps required to deploy the idashboards.war file. If you are using Apache Tomcat as the application server for iDashboards perform the following steps:
- If Tomcat is not currently running start it
- Copy the version 10+ idashboards.war file into the <TOMCAT DIR>/webapps directory
- Wait about a minute for the application to deploy, and then attempt to log into the iDashboards Admin application as you would normally, using the admin account. If you are successful the version 10+ idashboards.war file has been successfully deployed. If you are unsuccessful, contact iDashboards Support for assistance.
Deploy the Version 10+ idbdata.war File
NOTE: We do NOT recommend installing the Data Hub in 32-bit environments due to memory limitations.
If you are moving forward with adding the Data Hub to your installation the version 10+ idbdata.war file is located in the bin directory within the distribution file. If you are using an application server other than Apache Tomcat (bundled with iDashboards and the most used application server), consult its documentation for the steps required to deploy the idbdata.war file. If you are using Apache Tomcat as the application server for the idbdata.war file, perform the following steps:
If Tomcat is not currently running start it
Copy the version 10 idbdata.war file into the <TOMCAT DIR>/webapps directory.
Wait about a minute for the application to deploy and then attempt to log into the idbdata interface as you would normally using the admin account. If you are successful the version 9.7 idbdata.war file has been successfully deployed. If you are unsuccessful, contact iDashboards Support for assistance.
Build two new databases in SQL Server: Excel Workbooks and Data Store
- Connect the two New Databases inside Data Hub or iDashboards Admin
- Login to Data Hub or iDashboards Admin
- Configure the Excel Workbooks Database
- Select Excel Data
- Configure the Workbook Database using database: idb_workbooks
- Configure a New Data Source for Data store
- Select Data Sources
- Create a New Data Source and check: Use As Data Store
- Use the same connection information as workbooks for: idb_datastore
- This can be done from:
- Admin > Data Sources > New
- Data Hub > Data Sources > New
- Upload your iDashboards used Excel data source files to the Workbook Database
- Login to iDashboards Admin or Data Hub
- Select Excel Data
- Click Choose File to Browse for and Upload an Excel File
- Repeat for all Excel Data Source Files
Gather Required Information - Getting Support
Download iDashboards Version 10+ - Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment
Upgrade the Repository Database - Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
Deploy the New License File
As indicated at the start of this article, if you are upgrading from a version prior to 7.5 your old license file will not work with v7.5 or above. With a version 9.5 or later upgrade, if you intend on using the new Data Hub you will also need to request a new license file to access the Data Hub. So you should have acquired a new license file from iDashboards before starting the upgrade process.
IMPORTANT: If Data Hub is installed as part of your upgrade but you have not updated your license file, you will not be able to access iDashboards until you update your license.
Your old license file idashboards.lic is located in the <ivizgroup home> directory. A backup copy of the old license file will be saved automatically to the same directory upon uploading your new license file into the Admin interface. Then the new license file will overwrite the old one.
Gather Required Information - Getting Support
Download iDashboards Version 10+ - Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment
Upgrade the Repository Database - Deploy the New License File
Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to a 64-bit Environment
The installer places a completely new installation of the software into the 64-bit space on the server. This will require anything installed after the installer completed the original installation, such as custom Content and Plugins to be moved from the existing 32-bit installation and placed into the new 64-bit location.
NOTE: The iDashboards_Production_Installer_10.xx.exe file will install the entire application to the 64-bit environment including Java 1.8
- Build two new databases for Excel Workbooks and Data Store
- idb_workbooks
- idb_datastore
- Disable the Existing 32-bit iDashboards Application Server Service
- Backup the iDashboards Repository Database
- Run the Repository Upgrade Script on the Existing iDashboards Repository Database
- Download and run iDashboards_Production_Installer_10.xx.exe on the iDashboards Server
- During the course of running the installer in the database details, point the new 64-bit installation to the existing iDashboards repository database
- Connect the two new databases inside the Data Hub application
Build two new databases in SQL Server: Excel Workbooks and Data Store
- Connect the two New Databases inside Data Hub or iDashboards Admin
- Login to Data Hub or iDashboards Admin
- Configure the Excel Workbooks Database
- Select Excel Data
- Configure the Workbook Database using database: idb_workbooks
- Configure a New Data Source for Data store
- Select Data Sources
- Create a New Data Source and check: Use As Data Store
- Use the same connection information as workbooks for idb_datastore
- This can be done from:
- Admin > Data Sources > New
- Data Hub > Data Sources > New
- Upload your iDashboards used Excel data source files to the Workbook Database
- Login to iDashboards Admin or Data Hub
- Select Excel Data
- Click Choose File to Browse for and Upload an Excel File
- Repeat for all Excel Data Source Files
- If there are any custom images or other content being used, copy existing Content and directories from the 32-bit installation to the new 64-bit location on the server
Gather Required Information – Getting Support – Download iDashboards Version 10+
Steps to Upgrade in an Existing 64-bit Environment – Upgrade the Repository Database
Undeploy the Current iDashboards Installation – Deploy the Version 10+ idashboards.war File
Deploy the Version 10+ idbdata.war File – Deploy the New License File
Steps to Upgrade from a 32 to 64-bit Environment
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact iDashboards Support for further assistance.
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