AWS Hosting is offered via the AWS Marketplace. A credit card is required to pay for the monthly system usage. AWS charges per hour and has several levels of server resources from 8-32 Gig of Ram and 2-6 CPU cores. The table below provides ESTIMATED running cost for server usage. Storage and operating time are examples of items that will affect the cost.
The calculated costs are based on 24/7 operation of the server.
EC Instance Type |
EC/hr cost |
≈30 Day running cost |
≈1 Year |
t2.large |
0.121 |
87.12 |
1059.96 |
t2.xlarge (recommended) |
0.227 |
163.44 |
1988.52 |
t2.2xlarge |
0.443 |
318.96 |
3880.68 |
Once logged into the EC2 Console, note the iDashboards instance ID. If you have never used AWS before follow these steps to locate your EC2 instance and ID.
- Under the section, AWS Services expand All services
- Under the Compute section select EC2
- In the EC2 Dashboard locate and expand Instances
- Select Instances from the submenu
Listed should be your EC2 instances, in the column Instance ID
Make note of your iDashboards Instance ID. You will need it later.
iDashboards supplies a Wildcard SSL Certificate, by default. In order to implement SSL, we will need the Elastic IP. The Elastic IP is needed for its ability to be a static IP for the assignment of the iDashboards domain.
NOTE: SSL and iDashboards Domain assignment requires Elastic IP addressing.
The domain supplied by iDashboards will be:
The Elastic IP will need to be added by going to the AWS EC2 Menu and finding on the left side menu Network and Security and going through the following steps.
- Select Elastic IPs
- Select Allocate new addresses
- From the IPv4 address pool option select Amazon Pool then click Allocate
- Make note of the new Elastic IP address; it will need it to setup your customized iDashboards URL
- Click Close
Now back at the main Elastic IP Menu, you will need to assign the address to your iDashboards EC2 instance.
Highlight the new Elastic IP
Now select Actions and from the dropdown select Associate Address.
For the Resource Type leave it as Instance
From the Instance dropdown, select the iDashboards Instance ID
Under Private IP you should now see your Elastic IP that you noted earlier
In Instance you should see your Instance ID number. Set the ID and select Associate.
Firewall Ports
iDashboards on AWS does not have the AWS firewall ports setup, by default. You will need to open these ports.
Select your iDashboards Instance
From Description, select Security Groups
Select the launch-wizard-# security group
Half-way down the page click Inbound
From the left select Edit
The only rule should be: RDP using port 3389
Do NOT remove this rule as it allows you access to the server
Click Add Rule
From the dropdown select HTTP
Repeat this step and add HTTPS
Then click Save
You have now added port 80 and port 443 to your AWS Instance.
After you have the Elastic IP and Private IP create an OSKAR Ticket and the Support Team will get your permanent license and your iDashboards customized domain setup.
Using your Elastic IP address http://###.###.###.###/idashboards you should be able to access the server.
To follow good practices protect your AWS instance from Termination (permanent delete). You can do this by selecting your AWS Instance -> Actions -> Instance Settings -> Change Termination Protection. Enabling this will prevent the accidental deletion of the instance.
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