This requires being connected to your server.
iDashboards can be installed on any Operating System that supports a Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Web Application Server. Since Linux supports application servers (i.e. Apache Tomcat), iDashboards can be installed on a Linux or Unix-like Operating System. There are numerous methods of installing applications on Linux, and exact steps may differ based on your type of Linux server. This will assist in installing iDashboards on a Red Hat platform (CentOS). Remember you or your server administrator may have other preferred methods of installing these applications.
System Requirements
- Hardware
- 2 GHz, Single CPU
- 8 GB RAM
- 5 GB Available Hard Disk Space
- (Additional requirements for larger user environments can be found here.)
- Software
- Linux or Unix-like Operating System that supports a J2EE-compliant Application Server.
- Java JDK version 1.8 or later, including a Java Virtual Machine.
- Java Application Server that implements Servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 (Apache Tomcat 8.5.48) or later.
- A supported relational database servers for the iDashboards repository as well as a corresponding JDBC driver to connect to your database server: MySQL Server, Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL Server.
- Google Chrome for Fedora/OpenSUSE Based Linux (Redhat CentOS)
- Linux Tool Collections (will need to be installed)
- Wget
- Unzip
Do NOT Copy and Paste these Commands!
They may not work verbatim for your particular distribution due to the highly configurable nature of the Linux OS they are included for reference only.
OpenJDK Java 1.8.0
- Search for the latest package of Java JDK
- yum search java | grep ‘java-‘
- Install the latest version of OpenJDK Runtime Environment
- Replace x.x.x with the version you wish to install
- Note: You will Need to Periodically Confirm the Download and Install Process Using: Y
- yum install java-x.x.x-openjdk.x86_64
Do NOT copy and paste these commands!
They may not work verbatim for your particular distribution due to the highly configurable nature of the Linux OS they are included for reference only.
Apache Tomcat 8.5.48
- Create user Group: idashboards
- sudo groupadd idashboards
- Create user: idashboards
- This will Only be used to Run Tomcat, User Logins are Disabled so no Password is Set
- sudo useradd –M –s /bin/nologin –g idashboards –d /opt/ivizgroup idashboards
- Identify the Tomcat Binary you want to Install then Download this file to your Home Directory remember to replace x and x.x.xx with the version you wish to download
- wget
- Create the Tomcat Directory
- sudo mkdir /opt/tomcat
- Extract the Tomcat Archive
- sudo tar xvf apache-tomcat-*tar.gz –C /opt/tomcat --stripcomponents=1
- Configure Permissions for user: idashboards
- cd /opt/tomcat
- Change to the Group: idashboards
- sudo chgrp –R idashboards conf
- Assign idashboards Write Access to the conf Directory
- sudo chmod g+rwx conf
- Assign idashboards Read Access to Files in conf Directory
- sudo chmod g+r conf/*
- Make idashboards Owner of the Following Directories: webapps, work, temp, and logs
- sudo chown –R idashboards webapps/ work/ temp/ logs/
- Configure Tomcat to Run as a Service
- sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service
- Set the ivizgroup Home Directory by creating the Systemd Unit File
- Press i to enter Insert mode and insert the following script
- # Systemd unit file for tomcat
Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container
Environment='CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms512M -Xmx1024M -server -XX:+UseParallelGC'
Environment='JAVA_OPTS=-Divizgroup.home=/opt/ivizgroup-Djava.awt.headless=true -'
ExecStop=/bin/kill -15 $MAINPID
- # Systemd unit file for tomcat
- Press i to enter Insert mode and insert the following script
- Exit Insert mode (press Esc)
- Save the file (:x)
- Reload the Systemd File
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Configure Tomcat as a Daemon, which will Start the Service upon Server Reboot
- chkconfig --add tomcat
- chkconfig --level 35 tomcat on
Do NOT copy and paste these commands!
They may not work verbatim for your particular distribution due to the highly configurable nature of the Linux OS they are included for reference only.
MySQL 8.0.26
- Download the Latest Version of MySQL Community Server. check for the latest available version
- sudo rpm –Uvh
- Install MySQL
- yum install mysql-server
- Start the MySQL Service
- sudo service mysqld start
- MySQL Automatically Assigns a Root Password. The following command will identify the password. Be sure to write it down or change it upon logging in.
- sudo grep ‘temporary password’ /var/log/mysqld.log
- Login to MySQL with Root (You will be Prompted for Password)
- mysql –u root –p
- Create the iDashboards Repository Database
- CREATE DATABASE iDashboards CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;
- Create a User for iDashboards to Connect to the Repository with and Assign it Privileges. We are Using idash as the username and a Sample Password idb!Test1
- CREATE USER ‘idash’@’localhost’ identified by ‘idb!Test1’;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON iDashboards.* to idash@localhost;
- Exit
- Configure MySQL as a Daemon, which will Start the Service upon Server Reboot
- chkconfig --add mysqld
- chkconfig --level 35 mysqld on
Do NOT copy and paste these commands!
They may not work verbatim for your particular distribution due to the highly configurable nature of the Linux OS they are included for reference only.
iDashboards v11.1e
- Go to the Support Download Site to obtain the link to download the latest install package, you will need your user name and password supplied by iDashboards often similar to:
- username: yourcompany password: q!r#S@t$U&v (SAVE these, you will need for upgrades)
- wget --user=yourcompany --password='q!r#S@t$U&v'
- Make the ivizgroup Home Directory
- sudo mkdir /opt/ivizgroup
- Make the idashboards user Owner of the Home Directory
- sudo chown –R idashboards /opt/ivizgroup
- Copy the iDashboards Installation to the Home Directory. Download it Directly Using the following, and remember to replace .xx with the version you wish to download:
- wget --user=username --password=password
- Unzip the Software to the ivizgroup Home Directory and remember to replace .xx with the version you wish to download
- unzip –d /opt/ivizgroup
- Create the logs Folders
- cd /opt/ivizgroup
- sudo mkdir logs
- Create the driver Folders
- cd /opt/ivizgroup
- sudo mkdir drivers
- Copy idashboards.war, idbdata.war, and scorecards.war to the webapps Directory:
- sudo cp /opt/ivizgroup/bin/*.war /opt/tomcat/webapps
- Unzip the Scorecard Folder ( in ivizgroup/bin Directory) to the ivizgroup Home Directory:
- unzip /opt/ivizgroup/bin/ -d /opt/ivizgroup
- Download and Install the MySQL Connector/J driver to your Home Directory
- wget
- Install it to your ivizgroup/drivers Directory
- sudo tar xvf mysql-connector-java-8.0.26.tar.gz mysql-connector-java-8.0.26/mysql-connector-java-8.0.26.jar --strip-components=1
- mv mysql-connector-java-8.0.26.jar /opt/ivizgroup/drivers
- Edit the File
- sudo vi /opt/ivizgroup/config/
- Insert the following to Configure your Repository:
- Run the Create Repository Script from Shell
- mysql –u idash –p iDashboards </opt/idashboards/scripts/database/standard/create_repository/mysql_standard_create_repository.sql
- Verify the Script Ran.
- You should see a number of tables with the following prefix: fv_
- mysql –u idash –p
- Use iDashboards;
- Show tables;
- Exit
- Start the Tomcat Service (iDashboardsSRV)
- service tomcat start
- The service will deploy the .WAR files in the webapps directory, it may take a few minutes.
- service tomcat start
- Your iDashboards Server should now be configured. You may need to add firewall exceptions in order to allow communication through the port 8080 in which iDashboards is configured.
- User Application: http://yourserver:8080/idashboards
- Data Hub: http://yourserver:8080/idbdata
- Login Credentials: Username: admin Password: change_me
Do NOT copy and paste these commands!
They may not work verbatim for your particular distribution due to the highly configurable nature of the Linux OS they are included for reference only.
Installing Google Chrome
As of 05/30/2019 with the release of v10 you will need to install Google Chrome to give the software the ability to create thumbnail and reports images.
- Download the Google Chrome Package
- wget
- Install the Google Chrome Package
- yum install
For More Information:
- iDashboards Admin Manual 3.4 Manual Installation
- CentOS Installation Manual
- MS SQL Server on Red Hat Linux
- PostgreSQL on Red Hat Linux
Disclaimer: iDashboards Technical Support Engineers are not Linux Server Administrators who know in depth knowledge of them and their quirks. We often learn these skills on the job and have limited knowledge. We do our best to help you with your software in determining if: you are not leveraging the software in the best way for your data or you found a bug in the software, because we want to assist you in your success.
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact iDashboards Support for further assistance.
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