Last updated: 2024.02.15
Note: iDashboards is no longer able to offer a Windows Production Installer. This is due to the liability of assuming responsibility for the security framework which contains utilities such as Tomcat, Java and sometimes even the Database. While these components are necessary, iDashboards will only be able to support the security model for the product(s) we build and distribute. |
This article will guide a systems administrator on how to install iDashboards to run on the default port of 8080 within Tomcat, and the assumption Microsoft SQL Server is the database engine.
Downloading Resources
Components mentioned below are not the only options for setting up an enterprise web application environment. The listed components are specifically selected due to compatibility and more easily supported if help is needed.
- Java/OpenJDK
- Amazon Corretto
- Choose the version (Corretto 17 offers long-term support)
- Choose the Platform (ex. “Windows x64”)
- Choose Type (ex. “JDK”)
- Choose Download Link (ex. “…x64-windows-jdk.msi”)
- Amazon Corretto
- Application Server
- Apache Tomcat
- Minimum of Tomcat 10.1 is required for v12.7 and later
- Select the latest 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, sha512)
- Apache Tomcat
- iDashboards Application
- Use your company credentials and download the file. If you don't know your credentials contact your account manager or support.
- Application Database Driver
- Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server Database
- At the time of writing this article, most installations can use the following file within the download: mssql-jdbc-12.6.0.jre11.jar
- Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server Database
Installing Resources
- Run the installer. For example,
- Installing this... amazon-corretto-xx.#.##.#.#-windows-x64.msi
- will result in this...\jdkxx.#.##_#\bin\server\jvm.dll
Application Server
- After Java/OpenJDK has been installed, run the installer for Tomcat.
- Note: Verify Tomcat installation has recognized the directory where the jvm.dll (above) has been installed. Java 17 jvm.dll and it's installing in the Program Files directory (not Program Files x86). Leave the port at the default 8080. We'll change that later. Finally don't have it start the service toward the end of the installation. We still need to make changes.
- Keep the default port 8080 (for now).
- At the end of the installation, it is preferable to not start Tomcat - there are changes to make and Tomcat will need to be stopped/started regardless.
Note: Make sure when you run the Tomcat installer that it's pointing to the Java 17 jvm.dll and it's installing in the Program Files directory (not Program Files x86). Leave the port at the default 8080. We'll change that later. Finally don't have it start the service toward the end of the installation. We still need to make changes.
Configuring Tomcat
1.Open Tomcat10w.exe from C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat <version>\bin\ folder.
2.On the General tab, make sure it's set to Automatic Startup type.
3.On the Log On tab, make sure local system is selected (by default, Local Service account is the default)
4.On the Java tab, you need to add the -Divizgroup.home=C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\ivizgroup line, and remove the values from Initial Memory pool and Maximum Memory pool.
Click Apply and OK.
Configuring iDashboards
1.Unzip the CDROM you downloaded into C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\ivizgroup.
2.Create directories named drivers, logs, keys, content and previews in the ivizgroup subdirectory.
3.Copy the JDBC driver you downloaded into the ivizgroup\drivers subdirectory. (at the time of this article, the screenshot has the driver highlighted in the screenshot and the path is at the top.
4.Copy the .war files from ivizgroup\bin\ into the Tomcat Webapps directory. (defaults would be C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat <version>\webapps\)
5.Edit the file in the ivizgroup\config subdirectory. You will need to add the connection block as shown in the screenshot below. The example is connecting to an iDashboards database on a local SQL Server Express instance.
6.Locate the proper script from the ivizgroup\scripts\database\create_repository directory. Run it against the database you would like to create (usually we create the idashboards, idb_woorkbooks and idb_datasbore databases for iDashboards).
Starting the Server
Start the Tomcat 10.1 Service. (Note, every time you start the Tomcat service, it has to deploy the application, so it could take a few minutes to load). You will be able to access iDashboards with the URL http://localhost:8080/idashboards, and will be able to log in with u:admin p:change_me
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