This requires being connected to your server.
You notice iDashboards is not running and after investigating, Tomcat will not start from the Tomcat System Tray icon or the Services Control Panel. Upon trying to start Tomcat from the Services Control Panel you receive Error 1067 with the following text:
Could not start the Apache Tomcat service on Local Computer. Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.
Error 1067 usually occurs after an automatic update of Java when it does not reinstall properly. Uninstalling the current version of Java and reinstalling Java will resolve this issue. The iDashboards support team also recommends turning off automatic updates for Java which would prevent this from happening. iDashboards currently supports Java Development Kit version 1.7-1.8. Once Java has been reinstalled you may need to re-point Tomcat/iDashboards to the newly installed version of Java.
- Right click on the Apache Tomcat system tray icon, run TomcatXw.exe, or run idashboardsw.exe
Note: Alternatively you can find the idashboardsw.exe here C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\Server\bin
If you are unable to open idashboardsw.exe by clicking. Open the command line and navigate to C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\Server\bin\ and run the command idashboardsW.exe //ES//iDashboardsSRV
- Select the Java tab
- Uncheck Use Default
- Click the browse button to locate the newly installed jvm.dll file
- Click Apply
- Click OK
- Restart the Tomcat/iDashboards Service
To turn off Java updates:
- Open the Java Control Panel (javacpl.exe if you cannot see the Java icon).
- Click Update
- Un-check the box next to Check for Updates Automatically
- Click OK
- Another box will appear and click Never Check
- Click OK
Another possible cause and resolution:
A mismatch in the minimum and maximum heap sizes.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\iDashboards_SRV\Server\logs and open the stdout.txt
- Look for and error "Incompatible minimum and maximum heap sizes specified"
- Use the directions above to open idashboardsw.exe and make the Minimum/Initial Memory Pool smaller than the Maximum Memory Pool
Note: You may also see the minimum and maximum specified in the Java Option window as -Xms and -Xmx respectively.
For More Information:
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact iDashboards Support for further assistance.
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