Where can I find the iDashboards manuals?
iDashboards v10.0+
- All manuals can be found in the Manuals section of OSKAR Knowledge Base
- You can launch the iDashboards Admin (or Data Hub) manual as a PDF by logging into the iDashboards Admin (Data Hub) and clicking on the System drop down menu in the top right corner of any iDashboards Admin (Data Hub) webpage directly next to the Logout button, and selecting View Manual.
- You can launch the iDashboards Builder Manual as a PDF by logging into the iDashboards Builder clicking the menu (hamburger) button on the left and selecting Help.
- You can launch Viewer instruction by logging into iDashboards as a Viewer clicking the menu (hamburger) button on the left and selecting Help, however it will not be a PDF like builder.
- You can access the iDashboards Auto Uploader Manual by selecting Start -> iDashboards Auto Uploader -> iDashboards Auto Uploader User Manual
For More Information:
- iDashboards Viewer Manual
- iDashboards Builder Manual
- iDashboards Data Hub Manual
- iDashboards Auto Uploader Manual
- iDashboards Administrator Manual
- iDashboards Text User Manual
- iDashboards Upgrading to 10+
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact truOI Support for further assistance.
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