This requires Admin privileges.
It standard practice for most applications to log a user off and display a session timeout message whenever the system is left idle without interaction. This setting can be modified in iDashboards to either be disabled (default) or be set to a specific amount of time in minutes.
- To make this change log into iDashboards Admin
- Select System, then System Settings which will bring you to the User Application Settings
- Click on the pencil to change/edit Session Timeout (minutes) to enter the desired amount of time when an inactive session expire. If you do not want a session timeout, do NOT change anything.
Please Note: The value must be blank or between 10 and 10,000
- For no session timeout leave the value blank
- For any session timeout insert a value in the following range: 10-10,000
For More Information:
- iDashboards Admin Manual 13.2.1 User Application Settings
If the above is unable to resolve the issue, then please contact iDashboards Support for further assistance.
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