This requires Admin privileges.
In order to determine the correct iDashboards Repository Type the software must be already installed on the production server. Once it has been installed you may perform the following steps:
- Login to iDashboards Admin
- Select System then About
- Carefully make a note of the file and file path displayed in the Properties File row
- With a text editor open the
- The lines of text without the # (comments) are read by the server
- Look for db.driverClass and db.url - these will tell you what driver is used, the repository type and where the repository is located
Common Database Types and their Driver Class
- JTDS SQL Server = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
- SQL Server = sqlserver. jdbc.SQLServerDriver
- Oracle = oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
- MySQL = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
For More Information:
- iDashboards Admin Manual 3.4.8 JDBC Driver Configurations
- iDashboards Admin Manual 4. Starting the iDashboards Administrator Application
If you are unsure of the database platform after reading the above mentioned and examining the please contact Dashboards Support for assistance.
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